Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Can't Sleep

I'm feeling a lot of pain tonight.  I can't sleep because I am too mad.  I can't talk to my husband because I am too upset.  I wish I was just the type that could have a good cry and let out a lot of the emotion, but that's not my personality so I guess I will just have to try to write a lot of it out.  That's not to say that I don't cry or that I think there is anything wrong with crying, I just wish I could find the strength to cry.  That probably doesn't even make sense, but I have only cried once since I found out and even though it was only for a minute, it felt really good.  I wish I could just get swallowed up in a big hug from someone who cares about me and really let it out.  I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes--hey, maybe this is helping.  Nope, they always get to that same point.  My eyes start to get a little watery, but it always seems to stop there.  It makes me really upset that my husband can be passed out on the bed just sleeping while my soul is so tormented that I cannot rest.  

Lately I have had a difficult time discerning between answers from Heavenly Father and Satan's deceptive ways.  I know that probably sounds strange, but I just know that Satan is real.  I recognize how badly he wants my marriage to fail.  He can never have or experience the beauty of a satisfying covenant marriage and I know he wants so badly to rob me of it too.  I mean, its pretty easy to recognize the trend that society has towards marriage and see that the Devil definitely has his hand in it.  I guess somehow I always thought I was above that or "that won't happen to me."  Satan can always have influence on all of us, if we let him.  I know it is true that even the most elite can be deceived.  Well, I know that Satan has tempted my husband and is trying to destroy his life and our marriage through this addiction.  Additionally, now I can feel his influence as it tries to keep my soul furrowed up in depression and uncertainty.  I know that these feelings are a result of my husband's deception, but Satan truly wants to capitalize on it and keep me dragging in my sorrow.  I know I have to be proactive as much as I am capable of so that I don't allow Satan to overpower my hope for my future.  

I'm very analytical.  Like most things, this can be a strength and a weakness.  In this situation, I am constantly over-analyzing everything.  I know that I need balance in my life and that I can't be always so focused on this that I don't attend to my every day life, but it is hard because this situation has affected most aspects of my life.  As I ponder, I often have major warning flags in my mind because of my husband's past behavior.  I worry that I am just being deceived again and that no matter what I am going to be living with someone who is only outwardly committed to the gospel and who will always choose to live two lives.  I guess I have had a hard time deciding whether these inclinations are warning signs from Heavenly Father or simply just discouragement coming from the Devil.  It is really hard to tell.

It's hard to have to look out for yourself in a marriage.  I am so used to looking to fulfill the needs of my husband and trying to be mindful of my needs doesn't come naturally.  I have talked to my husband and others about this concept a few times, but it is something that I have had a hard time dealing with.  It is hard to stop and recognize "my husband has been looking out for himself," and "I have been looking out for my husband."  Who has been looking out for me?  Its a harsh moment when you realize that you have to look out for your own well-being because your spouse just simply hasn't been doing that.  So I am so conscious of making it very clear that it's me or the pornography and that I refuse to tolerate that kind of offensive and degrading material.  I also will not tolerate any more dishonesty.

Last week I discovered that there has been financial dishonesty as well.  My husband recently traded in our large plasma TV for another one that was larger and had a better HD resolution.  At first, he told me that he simply traded in the TV and that it was the same price.  Later on, when I questioned him more firmly, he admitted that the TV had cost us an additional $50.  Well, when I finally looked at our credit card statement, that was simply not the case.  I was extremely upset at the blatant dishonesty and confronted him.  I finally got the real story--the TV was $150 more than the one he traded it in for.  Seriously, $150.  Not a big deal.  But the constant manifestations of dishonesty.  Big deal.  I mean, its such a similar pattern to the pornography too.  When I confronted him originally, he completely lied and said that he did not have a problem.  Even after I had stumbled upon concrete evidence, he still tried to sidetrack it and lied straight to my face.  After that, I only got a small piece of the truth (he had a problem in the past and it had been occurring again for a month).  Well, then when I felt strongly that this was not the truth, he finally came clean about the fact that it had actually been six months.  Do I even know the real truth now?  What else is he lying about?  I'm certainly concerned because his word means absolutely nothing to me.

I think it is easy to see how this dishonesty has laid the framework for Satan to capitalize on my suspicions, doubts, and insecurities.  Even though I have felt confident that I should stay married right now, I can feel that confidence constantly being undermined.  My husband and I had some great conversations last week.  We talked specifically about how important it is to improve our emotional, spiritual, and physical connection and intimacy.  We talked about the importance of humility and honesty.  We communicated our challenges and when I expressed my feelings, I felt that they were very validated.  But now, this week, I am hesitant and reserved because I wonder if again he is just "saying all the right words."  

In short, it has been hard to discern between truth and lies.  I know I have been promised an added spirit of discernment, but I also realize I have to make choices that will qualify for me to receive that added measure of the spirit.  Thus, I decided tonight to study briefly about revelation in the church's resource True to the Faith.  I loved this portion of the text, "Quiet spiritual promptings may not seem as spectacular as visions or angelic visitations, but they are more powerful and lasting and life changing.  The witness of the Holy Ghost makes an impression on the soul that is more significant than anything you can see or hear."  

The handbook gives specific counsel for preparing to receive personal revelation.  As I read each item, I realized that I still have so much room for improvement in many of these areas.  I realize that sometimes I get so overcome with discouragement, that I shun the very most important resources that I need.  I too need to humble myself and remember to earnestly seek the strength given to those who turn to Christ in their time of need.  This has caused me to truly seek forgiveness from the Lord and repent of my prideful ways.  True to the Faith focuses on nine ways to be worthy of the promptings of the Holy Ghost:

1) Pray for guidance 
2) Be reverent
3) Be humble
4) Keep the commandments
5) Partake of the sacrament worthily 
6) Study the scriptures every day
7) Take time to ponder 
8) When seeking specific counsel, study the matter out in your mind
9) Patiently seek God's will*

Reflecting on these truths has helped me to feel more control in my life.  It has been hard to submit to the fact that my husband has so much control over whether or not our marriage will survive at this time.  However, it is a nice reminder to realize how much control I have over my salvation.  Through Christ, I can become whole and healed and only I can take the steps I need to feel better.  Studying these principles has helped me to recognize again how much the Lord loves me and how much He wants to bless me with peace, direction, and help.  But I have to do it His way, as outlined above.  

*I can especially work on that very last part.  I know I have mentioned the importance of patience in the past, but I guess it really is a weakness for me so I really need to focus on not trying to implement my own time frame and force it on the Lord.  As True to the Faith explains, "God reveals Himself 'in His own time, and in His own way, and according to His own will (see D&C 88:63-68)."  "DO NOT TRY TO FORCE SPIRITUAL THINGS.  Revelation does not come that way.  Be patient and trust in the Lord's timing."   


  1. So sorry you're having to go through this huge trial. I so understand about the dishonesty and dishonesty about finances too. My heart goes out to you. Have you gotten a blessing yet? They really help. I'm glad that you are trying so hard to do what's right and involve the Lord like you are. You will get through this.

  2. Hang in there sister:) The first while after I found out (the 1st and then 2nd time) were really hard. I can remember several sleepless nights and times where I just felt like things couldn't possibly get worse. It's so hard to go through such a big trial in life and not be able to talk about it openly with family and friends. I completely understand. Just know that things can get better. It will probably be a while before you can trust him and that is ok, he needs to earn that trust back. It sometimes takes a little while before your spouse realizes that they can't keep rationalizing their behavior. A lie is a lie, whether big or small. Small lies only lead to bigger lies etc.
    I felt very similar to the way you feel now. Who is looking out for me while I am taking care of everyone else? It's almost like roles are reversed and all of the sudden the spouse that has been so hurt has to take care of the one causing the pain. Heavenly Father knows your potential, he knows that with his help you will find strength to overcome this. It's sometimes hard to believe, but it's true. Satan on the other hand wants you to feel that there is no hope. Just keep your relationship with Heavenly Father strong and he will help guide you through this.
