Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Internet Filters

I recently had a reader write me a question about internet filters. She asked if I knew anything about internet filters, if I used one, and if I recommended using them. I thought my response might be helpful to others, so I think I'll just go ahead and post an excerpt of my e-mail back to her.

"...I think internet filters can be an important step in keeping your marriage and family safe from the harm of pornography. They are a great external barrier from inappropriate material. With that said, filters can only do so much. Often, even with a very good filter, someone seeking inappropriate material can still access it. There are several ways to get around even the best filters.

Thus, a filter should be used as PART of a defense system against pornography use, but cannot be the ONLY part of it. When we saw a counselor at LDS Family Services, she distinguished between external vs. internal barriers. External barriers to pornography are things like a filter, keeping the computer in a public place, not using the computer when alone, etc. Internal barriers are things that motivate someone to abstain from pornography, like going to counseling, participating in a 12 Step Group, reading the scriptures, working with a bishop, etc. In the long run, if someone addicted to pornography is going to improve, they have to have internal barriers in place- because they can always find a way to get around the external ones.

In short, true abstinence from pornography must stem from a real desire to change, not just the presence of a filter.
I do recommend using a filter on your computer, but you can't rely on it to mend the problem alone. Having a filter in place helps to give an addict, or someone trying to view pornography, a barrier. If they try to access pornography in a moment of weakness and the filter stops them, it gives them a minute to think "do I really want to do this?" However, if they really want to get to the material, often a filter isn't going to stop them."

I hope this makes sense to everyone. Feel free to send me your questions about filters and I can even make some recommendations if you would like. Also, feel free to e-mail me with suggestions of external or internal barriers that have helped your loved ones abstain from pornography. I'm sorry for the many aching hearts out there and hope we can continue to help one another.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Feeling Some Stability

I don't have much time to record my thoughts, but I wanted to make an entry while I am feeling pretty good and generally happy. Things have been going well lately. I'm happy that we may soon be celebrating a full year without pornography in our home. That is a huge victory and I am so proud of my husband. Lately, he has shared many of his insights on his recovery and it seems that attending the 12-Step group has been the most fundamental instrument in his success. He has been very vigilant in avoiding situations that would be a temptation for him. Lately, he has shared with me when he is feeling weak or susceptible to his addiction, and has allowed me to help strengthen him. That has been a good experience for us as a couple.

I have been doing better personally too. I still struggle with some uneasiness and anxiousness, but I am feeling more stable. I decided to take some classes this semester to help me focus on some things I need to complete before I can graduate, help me feel less isolated, and give me things to accomplish with less time to dwell on the negative. This has been extremely helpful and I am really enjoying the classes and semester. I'll be looking for another job soon too, hopefully. I'm trying to get my feet planted back where they were before this disaster was unveiled last year and move forward with my personal progression. I am grateful for the things I have learned this last year, but I am still devastated by the mechanism for those lessons. I hope things continue to improve and I am doing my best to stay positive and grateful!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Nothing Too New

Well, I'm going to be brief tonight. I've spent the last few hours reading through blog posts written by loved ones of addicts on the website LDSAR.org. It's a wonderful website and I feel a great comfort knowing that I am not the only one dealing with this problem. My heart hurts that so many others are affected, but I do get a lot of comfort from reading the entries of other people who know exactly how I feel. It's interesting and sad to me how similar most of our situations are. We are all dealing with the impact of pornography and sexual addiction and how it has destroyed our spirits, broken our hearts, and hurt our husbands. Satan is very real and powerful today. I hate when people view pornography as a victimless crime. It certainly does destroy individuals, relationships, and families. My heart aches for every woman who is affected by the sexual addiction of a husband. At the same time, I also feel pity for the addicts who have allowed themselves to become trapped by this addiction. It reminds me of the scripture in the Book of Mormon that talks about how the Devil has the cunning ability to drag our souls carefully down to hell.

As for me, I am still striving to find personal peace and answers to my perpetual questions. Lately, I continue to battle sadness, anxiety, loneliness, and some degree of depression. I am finding healthy ways to deal. I'm finding that one of the most important principles that I have to keep in mind is balance and moderation. I am learning that to keep my sanity, I can't spend all of my time obsessing about the uncertainty of my future and I have to take time to enjoy life at the moment. However, it certainly is difficult to find peace when I am so unsure about the next steps in my life. I have continued to feel confident about the "year deadline" I set for myself to wait before making any kind of final decision about my marriage. As it approaches, I do feel a lot of emotion. I was talking briefly with my mother about my current emotional state and conveyed to her that I was feeling quite exhausted by life. Stability in life breeds peace and I certainly lack both of those things.

I'm re-committing to being more diligent in meaningful personal prayer and scripture study on a daily basis. I have felt uplifted as I have again tried to strengthen my relationship with the Lord. For several months, my anger and sorrow overwhelmed me and eclipsed my personal testimony and dedication to the Gospel. I am grateful for a good friend who called me out on my own lack of dedication and helped me realize that it was doing me absolutely no good to hold resentment towards my Heavenly Father. I know it was a tender mercy that I even found out about this looming problem in my marriage and don't continue to live in blissful, but terrible ignorance. I thank my Heavenly Father for the progress I see in my marriage, the strength He gives me individually to face each day, and the friends who support me when I simply cannot go on alone any longer.